Kademlia DHT


The Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT), or Kad-DHT, is a distributed hash table that is designed for P2P networks.

Kad-DHT in libp2p is a subsystem based on the Kademlia whitepaper.

Kad-DHT offers a way to find nodes and data on the network by using a routing table that organizes peers based on how similar their keys are.

A deeper look

The routing table is organized based on a prefix length and a distance metric. The prefix length helps to group similar keys, and the distance metric helps to find the closest peers to a specific key in the routing table. The table maintains a list of k closest peers for each possible prefix length between 0 and L-1, where L is the length of the keyspace, determined by the length of the hash function used. Kad-DHT uses SHA-256, with a keyspace of 256 bits, trying to maintain k peers with a shared key prefix for every prefix length between 0 and 255 in its routing table.

The prefix length measures the proximity of two keys in the routing table and divides the keyspace into smaller subspaces, called “buckets”, each containing nodes that share a common prefix of bits in their SHA-256 hash. The prefix length is the number of bits that are the same in the two keys’ SHA-256 hash. The more leading bits that are the same, the longer the prefix length and the closer the proximity of the two keys are considered to be.

The distance metric is a way to calculate the distance between two keys by taking the bitwise exclusive-or (XOR) of the SHA-256 hash of the two keys. The result is a measure of the distance between the two keys, where a distance of 0 means the keys are identical, and a distance of 1 means that only one bit is different, meaning the two keys are close to each other (i.e. their SHA-256 hashes are similar).

This design allows for efficient and effective lookups in the routing table when trying to find nodes or data that share similar prefixes.

Peer routing

The Kad-DHT uses a process called “peer routing” to discover nodes in the network. When looking for a peer, the local node contacts the k closest nodes to the remote peer’s ID asking them for closer nodes. The local node repeats the process until it finds the peer or determines that it is not in the network.

Content provider routing

Kad-DHT also includes a feature for content provider discovery, where nodes can look up providers for a given key. The local node again contacts the k closest nodes to the key asking them for either providers of the key and/or closer nodes to the key. The local node repeats the process until it finds providers for the key or determines that it is not in the network.

Bootstrap process

To maintain a healthy routing table and discover new nodes, the Kad-DHT includes a bootstrap process that runs periodically. The process starts by generating a random peer ID and looking it up via the peer routing process. The node then adds the closest peers it discovers to its routing table and repeats the process multiple times. This process also includes looking up its own peer ID to improve awareness of nodes close to itself.
